Adults Ministries
LBC Adult Ministries provide a variety of ways you can connect, learn and serve.
Taught every Sunday morning at 10am prior to worship services, there are a variety of Sunday School classes to choose from, based on ages, married or single, teaching topics, etc. Each class has their own activities outside of church for fun and fellowship. You're welcome to join any group that you are comfortable with.
The New Member's Orientation course has a threefold purpose.
It gives the new member a clear understanding of the significance of the new life in Christ.
It explains the responsibilities inherited because of the Christian experience.
It defines what it means to become a member of God's Church. By using God's Word as the final authority, New Member's Orientation also seeks to emphasize the distinction between a true conversion and church, membership.

At Liberty, fellowship is vital to encouraging and strengthening the church body. We have pitch-in banquets on the holidays as well as picnics in the summer months.

Throughout the Bible, God has the role of men and fathers to be examples for dedication to God, Godly leadership, spiritual encouragement and patient, protective and loving leaders in the home. We are exited to meet together each month for the purpose of enjoying fellowship, food, fun and devotions designed specifically for fathers, young men and growing boys.

The ladies of Liberty are a sisterhood. Our purpose is to uplift and encourage one another in the Word. Sure, we all have struggles but they are so much more bearable when you have someone walking with you. It is so much more enjoyable to walk with a friend than to walk alone. Being shoulders to lean on and cheerleaders for one another's accomplishments, we grow and show the love of Christ. Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 All ladies are welcome to join us for our Ladies Bible Studies, retreats, conferences, ladies banquets, and fun activities throughout the year. Come try out our ladies group. Let us encourage and uplift one another in the Lord!